
rencfs-bin build-and-tests release codecov Open Source Helpers

This crate hasn’t been audited; it’s using ring crate, which is a well-known audited library, so in principle, at least the primitives should offer a similar level of security.
This is still under development. Please do not use it with sensitive data for now; please wait for a stable release.
It’s mostly ideal for experimental and learning projects.

An encrypted file system written in Rust mounted with FUSE on Linux. It can be used to create encrypted directories.

You can then safely back up the encrypted directory to an untrusted server without worrying about the data being exposed. You can also store it in a cloud storage service like Google Drive, Dropbox, etc., and sync it across multiple devices.

You can use it as CLI or as a library to build your custom FUSE implementation or other apps that work with encrypted data.


Key features

Some of these are still being worked on and marked with [WIP].





Please look into Flows for a detailed sequence flow description.

Usage and Development

Next steps



If you find any issues or vulnerabilities or you’d like a feature, please follow these steps:

Feel free to fork, change, and use it however you want. We always appreciate it if you build something interesting and feel like sharing pull requests.

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